Monthly Archive: March 2008

Faith, First-Hand

Jesus spent a lot of time with the disciples- just doing life together. They walked together, ate together, and visited together. Throughout the book of Matthew, we read phrases such as “When the disciples saw this, they…” or “When the disciples heard this, they…” They were reacting to real life moments that Jesus used to show the disciples who He was. In Matthew 17, Jesus …

So Easy A Kid Can’t Do It!

On a recent trip out of town, I was missing my little boy so I did what many parents do, I dropped into a toy store to find a treat to bring home. I saw something rather fun (and affordable) and picked it up to bring home. It was called a Puffimal. The idea is simple, a rubber ball/balloon that is in the shape of …

Kids Need Family (#2 of 48)

Continuing the series on What Kids Need that a intentional discipler will address. When you consider the many aspects of a child’s development, it can become overwhelming. Let me suggest you focus on one at a time. Perhaps even this week you can find a way to focus on the fact that Kids Need Family. The Situation: Children wonder, “What is a ‘family?’” Tragic testimonials …