4 Steps to Choosing Children’s Bible Curriculum

There is nothing more important than teaching children how to know God intimately, to love Him passionately, and to serve Him selflessly.

Choosing a discipleship curriculum is not an easy task, but making wise decisions about your curriculum will have an impact for generations to come. These steps will guide you:

1. Assess your children’s present spiritual condition. Find out where they are when it comes to Bible knowledge, character development, and godly conduct.

2. Begin with the end in mind. Select curriculum that accomplishes your children’s ministry goals. You may want to list those skills, character traits, knowledge, and behaviors that you want to build into your young disciples.

3. Decide on your purpose for each ministry. This will ensure that each program for kids at your church has a unique identity. The focus of each ministry should complement and balance the others. Examples:

4. Select curriculum that best accomplishes your ministry purposes. It is unlikely that you’ll find a perfect fit, but keep looking and praying until you identify resources that assist you in accomplishing your goals.

DiscipleLand’s Children’s Discipleship System is a proven process to disciple kids. This all-inclusive blueprint ensures that children achieve balanced growth in Bible knowledge, Christ-like character, and faithful conduct – everything kids need to grow and become lifelong followers of Jesus.

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