Children’s discipleship: Intentional. Relational. Transformational.

Never forget that your efforts in children’s ministry have long-term implications. George Barna concluded, “By the age of nine, most of the moral and spiritual foundations of a child are in place.” Though head knowledge is important, Bible truths are only part of the discipleship process. Information must lead to transformation—new attitudes and actions. To form genuine disciples, churches must make an intentional, integrated, and concerted effort.

Spiritual Transformation = Knowledge + Character + Conduct

Disciples who reach their peak potential grow in all three dimensions. DiscipleLand’s family of resources forms a comprehensive Children’s Discipleship System™ – an intentional, relational, transformational process to help you grow disciples for life.

• Know God intimately – Children develop a reservoir of knowledge based on a Biblical worldview.
• Love God passionately – Children display Christ-like character in every area of life.
• Serve God selflessly – Children demonstrate faithful conduct that honors God and helps people.

The Children’s Discipleship System™ is composed of six learning levels that ensure balanced growth:

• Level 1: God’s Greatness

• Level 2: God’s Word

• Level 3: God’s Son

• Level 4: God’s Church

• Level 5: God’s Kingdom

• Level 6: God’s Champions

Free Resource

A step-by-step children’s ministry blueprint that will help you design your ministry … Click Here

Easter Story Booklet

7 Easter Stories in One Booklet!
“I plan to use this as the children’s skit for Easter!”
Easter Sunday is typically a high attendance day in church and Sunday School. Here’s a NEW and creative way to help your children and families focus on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Kids will love having these 7 beautifully illustrated, easy-to-read Easter stories – 7 stories that will take them from Palm Sunday to Jesus’ glorious resurrection. Available in sets of 10 booklets. Free Easter Story Booklet Idea Download, too! Learn More…

NEW: My Volcano Adventure

Created in partnership with Wycliffe Bible Translators, your kids will travel with Dee, Cy, Paul, and their dog Chip to the Philippines where they meet Bible translators. In this adventure, your kids will discover how we got the Bible—and why. They will learn about the Bible’s authority, its message, and its purpose. Children ages 6-12 can use My Volcano Adventure in a variety of settings. All 12 lessons include a Bible study and exciting learning activities. Each Teacher Guide also includes a host of digital download media files. Learn More…

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