Leadership Archive

Getting Kids to Listen

  Listening is becoming a lost skill in today’s digitally-distracted-information-overloaded world. But children can learn to listen, says Dr. Scott Turansky, co-founder of the National Center for Biblical Parenting. Many children don’t know how to listen without thinking about the next thing they want to say. Or if they do listen, they make statements like, “I know,” or “I can do it better than that.” …

Teacher and Volunteer Training

Teacher training and equipping parents are at the heart of DiscipleLand curriculum. Use and share the following training tools and resources with your team and parents. Free Online Videos Teachers will find free, short and practical videos for curriculum training, classroom equipping, leadership training, parent helps, how to disciple children, what kids really need, discipleship tips, teacher training, and more. View Videos Free Webinar Training …

Children’s Place in Family Ministries

  A Glimpse of Children in the Biblical Story The Book of Deuteronomy instructs God’s people to teach children to love, obey, and fear the Lord God in the context of life. Children are to assemble with adults to learn the things of God (Deuteronomy 6:1–3, 11:18–21, 31:12–13). Other Old Testament passages describe how children were present with the whole faith community as they stood …

5 Things Your Pastor Needs To Know

Here are 5 things that pastors need to consider about children’s ministry in their church: 1. Children’s Ministry serves the most spiritually impressionable group in the church. This is inarguable. Unfortunately, that spiritual impressionability also comes with snotty noses, dirty diapers, misbehavior and a lot of other things that are less than attractive.

Learning Styles: Helping Students Learn How To Learn

By Margaret F. Williamson and Roberta L. Watson, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary In this third and final article, Williamson and Watson consider “learning styles” from the perspective of both teacher and student. The authors examine personality and preferred learning style and explore implications for Christian education.

Learning Styles: Teaching Tips

By Margaret F. Williamson and Roberta L. Watson, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary In this article, Williamson and Watson consider how students absorb and retain information. They also explain how that information can influence an individual learning strategy for each student. Summary Over the years, educators have asked questions about how people learn. This article is the second in a series of three that provide updated …

Learning Styles: Teach like Jesus

By Margaret F. Williamson and Roberta L. Watson New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary In this article, Williamson and Watson consider the importance of learning styles and how each teacher can create learning environments that fit a classroom of children with a variety of personalities and learning styles.