Quintessential Questions Archive

Quintessential Questions—Who Are You?

(Part 2 of a Series) This series delves into two essential topics: God and people. When children know who God really is and what He says about who they really are, they can confidently navigate faith and life. Kids must know both the Lord and themselves intimately—not superficially. God matters most. Learning about the Lord is more important (and more rewarding) than anything else we …

Quintessential Questions—Who Is God?

(Part 1 of a Series) In this series, we will delve into two pivotal, yet elusive, topics: God and people. When children know who God really is and what He says about who they really are, they can confidently navigate faith and life. Kids must know both the Lord and themselves intimately—not superficially. “Without knowledge of self, there is no knowledge of God. Nearly all …