Monthly Archive: February 2017

Preschool Pointers—12 Learning Center Ideas

Create a lively classroom environment in your ministry by adding new learning centers! Learning centers energize learners and create the feeling that there are many things to do. Centers come in handy when children arrive early, when parents pick them up late, or when some students finish another task more quickly than their peers. Learning centers are topic-specific stations set up in a small area. …

Whacking at the “Roots” of Children’s Ministry by Mark Steiner

Yep—I’m “seasoned” enough to be an eye-witness to much of what has taken place during the last 30 years of children’s ministry. Nope—this article is not about the history or “roots” of ministry to kids. That’s a topic for another day. Instead, I’d like to take a whack at the “roots” of “who we are”—our very identity. Have you ever cut down a tree? Generally, …