Friendship Archive

ABCs of Family Discipleship—Join God’s People

Discipleship Truth: When Jesus Christ came to earth, He set aside divinity to embrace humanity. Though He was Lord and Master, Jesus willingly became a servant. Christ enjoyed serving and associating with all types of people. He showed His followers how to be selfless and humble. Fifty days after Jesus ascended into heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to knit His followers together into a …

ABCs of Family Discipleship—Establish Good Friendships

Discipleship Truth: In the upper room, Jesus prayed that friendships among all His followers would mirror the oneness that Christ enjoyed with His heavenly Father. “May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent Me and that you love them as much as you love Me” (John 17:23). Jesus prayed for Christians to love, to worship, and to serve alongside …

Making friends for life

“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” (Proverbs 27:17, NLT). How Kids Think Children ask each other, “Will you be my friend?” Most kids are desperate to “belong.” They are afraid of being excluded and want to fit in with their peers. But many children lack the ability to distinguish good friends from bad. They choose friends who do not reflect Christian …