Great Parents Lay Firm Foundations

Healthy root systems soak up nutrients and water from the soil. As this takes place, the entire plant grows and produces fruit. It’s the same with your child’s spiritual growth. Grasping the basics of the Christian faith ensures that he or she will survive life’s challenges and continually build on that solid foundation.

Cracks in the Foundation

Living in the Midwest introduced me to real thunderstorms where lightning danced across the sky, and tornado warnings blared across the local news. When these huge rainstorms came, all local basements suffered. Once, four inches of water crept into the lower level of my house.

I had no idea how important the foundation was…until it was compromised! Cracks in the foundation allowed water to seep in…filling the basement and ruining anything in its path. I was relieved when the repairman confirmed the crack was fixable. Soon the compromised basement became sealed, fixing the problem for future storms.

House foundations are much like our worldview…the foundational truths that shape beliefs and conviction. Truth, like the structural safety a foundation provides, allows the “building” of one’s life to stand over time. Cracks of false worldly thinking need to be identified and fixed before any damage is done!

Mission, Message, Motive.

God has given parents primary responsibility for the spiritual training of their children. But many dads and moms feel overwhelmed with that responsibility. They don’t know where to begin. For parents to lay a firm foundation, introduce your child to three time-honored truths:

Start with God’s Messagethe Gospel—the greatest news ever proclaimed. Jesus died to forgive our sins and rose again to give us new life (1 Peter 2:24). Every person on earth needs to hear about God’s love and forgiveness. When your child clearly understands this message, he or she is ready to trust Jesus as personal Savior.

Then explain God’s Missionmake Disciples—the greatest commission ever given. Go make disciples of all people everywhere (Matthew 28:18-20). Jesus poured His life into twelve close followers. Before the end of the first century, those men turned the known world upside down! Your child needs role models to see how Christ’s devoted followers really live.

And emphasize God’s MotiveLove—the greatest commandment ever received. Love God with all your being. Love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:30-31). Selfless love motivated Jesus to abandon heaven’s glory. Love kept Him on the cross. Because the Lord deeply loves your child, he or she can also learn to selflessly love others. A foundation anchored in bedrock will remain in place when the earth shifts and shakes. God’s greatest Message, Mission, and Motive are vital to your child’s Christian growth. They’re three cornerstones of victorious living—from the nursery through his or her elementary years.

Action Step: The parents who brought their children to Jesus wanted God’s very best for them (see Mark 10:13-16). They earnestly sought Christ’s blessing on their families. Continue to seek God’s assistance in raising your child. Lay a firm foundation by keeping the cross at the center of his or her spiritual development.

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