kbastian Archive

Discipleship Throwback

Image Source: BevReview.com Pepsi is currently offering two “new” versions of it’s two most popular drinks, Pepsi-Cola and Mountain Dew, with the tag line of “throwback” alluding to the fact that each contains, for a limited time only, real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup; a “throwback” to when they used to be made with real sugar. I wonder what Discipleship Throwback would look …

If Jesus Led Children’s Church

Imagine getting a brochure in the mail: Salvation Conference – O’Hare Hyatt – Jesus, God’s Son, lecturing on God’s Eternal Plan for the Salvation of Mankind.  Admission Free.  Come ready to study the prophetic Old Testament Scriptures and the Types of Christ that point to the Soteriological Position and Role of Jesus. Not many people would be drawn to a training seminar on Semitic salvation …

Peer Pressure in Third Grade

The David C. Cook Landmark Study asked children’s leaders what the top challenges are for children in grades 3,4 and 5.  Peer pressure (56%) topped the list, followed by their need to develop friends (45%) and surprisingly dealing with self-image, how others see them (35%).  Children fear failure, even as young as 6.  They worry about not achieving what their parents and teachers expect.  They …

How Biblically Accurate Is Our Christmas Teaching?

As most biblically trained Christians know, there are a lot of subtle unbiblical elements of the Christmas story that have snuck into our culture, even into our teaching at church. Mary on the donkey, the Inn Keeper, the “Three Kings” etc. Most of these “errors” are minor or harmless, but they do reflect a tendency toward laziness when it comes to teaching the Bible. Below …

Use the Internet to Connect with Kids

Kids are on the Internet. Whether we like it or not, the Internet today is not something kids are fascinated with, it is simply a part of their life. It’s not “new” to them, it is just their world. Being online is normal for them. In fact, if you aren’t online, they may almost wonder what’s wrong with you. While we can decry the dangers …

DiscipleBlog.com Featured on Christine Yount Podcast

If you follow this blog, you may have caught the post What Happened To The Bible. It fueled a healthy discussion over on Kidology.org. Then, Christine Yount, editor-in-chief at Children’s Ministry Magazine featured it on her blog. Then, I was honored when Christine asked if she could interview me for her podcast on the subject. You can listen to the podcast here. Christine Yount is …

D.I.S.C.I.P.L.E.S.H.I.P. – D = Develop a Relationship

This is part 1 in a 12 part Series on D.I.S.C.I.P.L.E.S.H.I.P. – Twelve Tips to help you become a more effective discipler of children. D = Develop a Relationship “And He walks with me and He talks with me; And He tells me I am His own; And the joy we share as we tarry there; None other has ever known.” Every notice that Jesus’ …