kbastian Archive

One on One Discipleship, A Thing of the Past?

Many surveys have shown that the single most effective factor in keeping a child faithful to the Christian Faith throughout their life is for a single adult Christian to intentionally show an interest in their spiritual development and intentionally disciple them. it was not the size of the church, the curriculum or even the devotedness of parents that kept kids in the Church according to …

New Discipling Approaches in 2011?

You often hear marketing phrases like “We are rethinking children’s ministry” or “we’ve discovered a totally new approach to kidmin” and I supposed as times change and people change, we need to adapt and adjust in order to stay relevant and current… But when it comes to discipleship… is the same true?

How Not To Choose Curriculum

It’s that time of year again – you may be evaluating your curriculum and determining whether you want to make a change. Let me suggest ways you SHOULD NOT choose what curriculum to use in your children’s ministry: Use what you have always used. Traditions might be great at Christmas time, but using a curriculum “because you’ve always used it” is a terrible reason – …

Loving God Passionately – Part 2

Last time, we viewed what it means to love God passionately. We considered both the horizontal and vertical connections. In this segment, we’ll focus on communion with the Lord from the Old Testament perspective. Next time, we’ll consider New Testament aspects.

Coaching vs. Discipling?

Just curious what you think – I hear a lot about “Spiritual Life Coaching” in the Church today. How is that different from discipleship? Jesus said to “Go and make disciples” not “go and coach people spiritually.” I’m not saying spiritual coaching is ‘bad’ – just wondering where it fits in with discipleship? Is spiritual coaching just a new “hip” word for disciple-making? In other …