kbastian Archive

One Disciple To Go Please

Would you like a deep walk with Jesus to go with that? Or Super Sized Sanctification perhaps? We’ve got a special this month, if you order two fully devoted child disciples we’ll toss in the parents too! This may sound absurd, but looking at many Children’s Ministries, this is what you often see. Leaders who plan just one unit ahead and go from snazzy product …

Curriculum: Your Ministry’s Foundation

(Reprinted from Kidologist.com) While the word “curriculum” may solicit yawns from many people, don’t underestimate the importance of curriculum on your ministry! The foundation of your educational ministry is your curriculum. Everything else hinges from and is built upon the foundation laid by your educational hour teaching material. How high and how deep and how broad your educational ministry will be is greatly determined by …

Mass Discipleship?

While there are many stories of Jesus speaking to the “multitudes” the vast majority of the Gospels are stories of his interactions with his disciples. A few men he chose to pour His life in to. In today’s ministry world, we are all about reaching the multitudes – and technology has enabled us to reach people we’ll never even meet via radio, television and this …

So Easy A Kid Can’t Do It!

On a recent trip out of town, I was missing my little boy so I did what many parents do, I dropped into a toy store to find a treat to bring home. I saw something rather fun (and affordable) and picked it up to bring home. It was called a Puffimal. The idea is simple, a rubber ball/balloon that is in the shape of …

What Comes To Mind?

When you hear the word “DISCIPLESHIP”, what comes to mind? It is a broad term that carries many different meanings to different people. I’m not looking for “right or wrong” answers, just what comes to mind? Just the first thing that POPS into your mind. Post in comments please, just a sentence or two. 

Discipling Not My Job

One of the first visitors to this site had these comments on the discipleship of children: I certainly have a desire to disciple children, but not in the traditional sense. I don’t see it as my job to disciple children. I see it as my job to equip and encourage parents to be those disciplers. I see kids for a couple of hours each week …

What If Jesus Visited Your Church?

“He’s Here,” stammered a volunteer who had tracked me down in the resource room making some photo copies. “Who?” I asked, sensing it was someone of great importance. Out of breath, all she could say was, “Him,” as she grabbed my arm and led me toward the rear entrance of the church. When I got there I joined others who stood there simply starring unsure …