Leadership Archive

Building Relationships With Your Kids

Four Activities for Building Relationships With Your Kids By Jim Dempsey, Ph.D. The Bible says that Satan is a liar, and one of his favorites is that God cares more about rules than relationships. Parents can fall for this deception when they become more focused on the outward behavior of their children than on the relationship they are building. Sure we want behavior to come …

Encourage Your Volunteers: One-Minute Motivators

With the start of a new school year, there is simply too much to do! Urgent phone calls to parents, issues with curriculum, classroom decorations, and promotional events all press for your time. Caring for volunteers often falls to the bottom of the priority pile.

Positive vs. Negative Correction

By Dr. Scott Turansky, National Center for Biblical Parenting Have you ever thought about the difference between punishment and discipline? There’s really quite a difference. Punishment gives a negative consequence, but discipline means to teach. Punishment is negative; discipline is positive. Punishment focuses on past misdeeds. Discipline focuses on future good deeds. Punishment is often motivated by anger. Discipline is motivated by love. Punishment focuses …

Valuing Instruction Is Mission Critical

By Jim Dempsey, Ph.D. Let’s face it. Your child has an agenda different from yours. When you tell them to clean up so that you can get to school on time, it may be important to you but that does not mean your child sees any value in it. And when your children don’t value your command, they resist obeying it. Understanding this simple concept …

6 Tips for Kindergarten

Use of Storytelling and Interactive Play with Kindergarteners Kindergarteners are true explorers. They are curious, eager to learn, and they thrive on discovering new things through interactive exploration. Their language skills and imagination are growing immensely—they love stories.

Children’s Ministry Training: Free Resources

Teacher training and equipping parents are at the heart of DiscipleLand curriculum. Use and share the following training tools and resources with your team and parents. Online Videos Teachers will find short, practical videos for curriculum training, classroom equipping, leadership training, parent helps, how to disciple children, what kids really need, discipleship tips, teacher training, and more. Training videos are available 24/7, can be viewed online or downloaded and can be viewed on virtually any platform—phones, tablets, TVs, and computers. DiscipleLand’s …

Teach Kids to be Honest

Sometimes kids will hold their hand behind their back and cross their fingers before telling a lie. They think that this protects them from the consequences of lying. Dr. Scott Turansky, co-founder of the National Center for Biblical Parenting, provides the following article about teaching kids to tell the truth.