Questions Archive

Quintessential Questions—What Is God Like?

(Part 3 of a Series) This series explores two essential topics: God and people. When children know who God really is and what He says about who they really are, they can confidently navigate faith and life. Kids must know both the Lord and themselves intimately—not superficially. God matters most. Learning about the Lord is more important (and more rewarding) than anything else we can …

Quintessential Questions—Who Are You?

(Part 2 of a Series) This series delves into two essential topics: God and people. When children know who God really is and what He says about who they really are, they can confidently navigate faith and life. Kids must know both the Lord and themselves intimately—not superficially. God matters most. Learning about the Lord is more important (and more rewarding) than anything else we …

Quintessential Questions—Who Is God?

(Part 1 of a Series) In this series, we will delve into two pivotal, yet elusive, topics: God and people. When children know who God really is and what He says about who they really are, they can confidently navigate faith and life. Kids must know both the Lord and themselves intimately—not superficially. “Without knowledge of self, there is no knowledge of God. Nearly all …

Coaching vs. Discipling?

Just curious what you think – I hear a lot about “Spiritual Life Coaching” in the Church today. How is that different from discipleship? Jesus said to “Go and make disciples” not “go and coach people spiritually.” I’m not saying spiritual coaching is ‘bad’ – just wondering where it fits in with discipleship? Is spiritual coaching just a new “hip” word for disciple-making? In other …

Discipleship Throwback

Image Source: Pepsi is currently offering two “new” versions of it’s two most popular drinks, Pepsi-Cola and Mountain Dew, with the tag line of “throwback” alluding to the fact that each contains, for a limited time only, real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup; a “throwback” to when they used to be made with real sugar. I wonder what Discipleship Throwback would look …

T-i-m-e: Every kid’s love language. (part 2)

The story continues… (from part 1) Within two days, I was able to catch up with the girl that I hadn’t had time for. I was so busy “ministering” to all of the kids that I didn’t have time to actually “reach” one child. I started the conversation by saying, “I’m so sorry that I didn’t connect with you on Wednesday. What you are thinking …

Faith, First-Hand

Jesus spent a lot of time with the disciples- just doing life together. They walked together, ate together, and visited together. Throughout the book of Matthew, we read phrases such as “When the disciples saw this, they…” or “When the disciples heard this, they…” They were reacting to real life moments that Jesus used to show the disciples who He was. In Matthew 17, Jesus …