Getting Kids Into The Bible


“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17, KJV)

How Kids Think

“What’s so special about the Bible?” Children see lots and lots of different books at libraries, stores, and online. Some people treat God’s Word like any other book, seeing it as historical record or a big book of stories—but missing out on its inspiration, guidance, and power.

How God Thinks

The Bible stands alone—the only Book from God—His inspired, relevant, life-changing message. Through the centuries, God has preserved His Word so that it continues to speak to us today and will transform us tomorrow. God’s Spirit allows the Word to enlighten us, convict us, and instruct us on how to live as His children. God’s Words are continually active in our lives—they do not return void (Isaiah 55:8-11).

The Bible was the very first book ever printed (in 1455 by Johannes Gutenberg). Since then, it continues to be the most widely printed and distributed book around the world. “For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires” (Hebrews 4:12, NLT).

True Story

Shelby was a typical preteen who found herself in conflict with her mom nearly every day…a part of growing up and establishing her own identity. Shelby’s Sunday school teacher challenged the class to begin spending time reading the Bible every morning and evening for eight weeks. She agreed—and was diligent about keeping her commitment. Three weeks later, Shelby emailed her teacher, “I am so totally into reading the Bible; I’ve never had so much fun doing it and something strange is happening in our house.”

The next week Shelby’s mom told the teacher, “I don’t know what’s happening, but there’s a revival going on in our house. Instead of fighting with Shelby every morning, we are talking about things she has read in her Bible. She even asked me if there was anything she could do to make my day better.” At the end of eight weeks, Shelby was bringing friends to church, and other adults commented that they had seen an unexpected change in her heart and attitude.

Personal Example

Jake was just five years old when he started having his own quiet time. At the age of two, he had joined mom for daily worship, listening to a Bible story, and prayer. One day Jake asked his mom if he could have his own time with God! Moved by Jake’s desire for time with Jesus, she quickly gathered resources—an MP3 player with worship music and headphones, a kid’s Bible, and small journal. The first morning, Jake sat with his giant headphones and listened to worship music. After Jake listened to a CD Bible story, him mom joined him by reading the Scripture passage aloud. Then Jake sat down with his pen and wrote simple words of prayer from the story he had heard.

For the past year Jake has continued this practice. He even asks for his music player and Bible on family vacations and during the busy summer. Jake watches his parents spend time with God through the Word and worship—he simply follows their example!

What You Can Do

  1. Make it your personal goal to read, appreciate, and apply God’s Word more than you ever have before.
  2. Fall in love with the Word (Psalm 119:97-104). As you grow to love the Scriptures, you’ll model behavior that your child needs to see. Encourage him or her to follow your example.
  3. Meditate on Scripture (Joshua 1:8). Dwell on the Word so that it becomes central to your thoughts. As you mull over God’s truths, they will begin to shape your thought life and direct your actions.
  4. Memorize key verses (John 14:26). When you face challenging situations, the Holy Spirit will bring to mind verses you’ve memorized. Share with your child the ways God encourages, convicts, and instructs you.
  5. Establish daily habits (Deuteronomy 6:4-8). Spend time with the Lord so you will cultivate a deep appreciation for the richness and power of Scripture. Show your child how to make the Bible a trusted companion, too.


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One Response

  1. Scott January 21, 2014