discipleblog admin Archive

How is your battery?

DiscipleBlog.com welcomes guest blogger, Todd McKeever from Take2Ministries.com We just had KidzTurn here at McArthur for 4 days and while they were here I hung out at Starbucks with Sam Lussier a couple days. Same and I got to talking about the great technology stuff out there which lead us to talking about iPhones. Here is a piece of technology along with many other types …

From Chuck: My role at DiscipleLand

I was hired in 2001, just two years after DiscipleLand first started selling its products. My role is to manage all of the Finance and Accounting activities of the business. I also answer the phone on occasion, as do most of the people who work here. I enjoy that part of the job as it keeps me in touch with our customers. Most of my …

Meet Chuck: CFO for DiscipleLand

This post is my first for DiscipleLand. I am fortunate to be both the accountant (CFO) for DiscipleLand and one of the people who gets to answer the phone.  This customer service aspect of the job is a good way for me to stay in tune with our customers and our products.  In fact many of the top business consulting gurus recommend the practice of …

Are we in to win?

Suppose you attended an open house at your child’s school and the principal told everyone that the drop-out rate was running at 75%. Would you be alarmed? Would you try to get your child into another school? Would you home-school? What if you discovered that the drop-out rate in every school was 75-88%? You might decide that it was time to get involved and demand some …

Free Desktop Wallpaper

Enjoy this image of Jesus and His disciples, courtesy of the ProvidenceCollection.com. Download as desktop wallpaper for your computer by selecting one of these four image sizes (for different monitor resolutions): 1024 x 768 pixels (often CRT monitors) 1280 x 800 pixels (often flat panel monitors) 1280 x 1024 pixels (often high-resolution CRT monitors) 1440 x 900 pixels (often flat panel monitors) To download: right-click …

Kids Need Balance

The Situation: The adage, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is true! Similarly, “All play and no work makes Jill a lazy girl.” Some children receive an overdose of sports, TV, school, video games, or even church. Few kids experience the energizing vitality that takes place when their minds, hearts, and bodies are stretched to reach their full potential. The Solution: …

Centrality of the Home Online Message

You have GOT to listen to this message! Voddie Baucham is one of the most passionate advocates for children and families in America today. He is one of the preaching elders at Grace Family Baptist Church in Spring, TX. His vision and commitment make him one of the most sought-after Bible teachers of his generation. This message, “Centrality of the Home,” is compelling, inspiring and …