Children’s Ministry Curriculum Archive

Children Become What They Focus On

Practical idea: Share this helpful article with your children’s ministry volunteers and parents. Kids Need God A child’s basic outlook and attitude toward life is shaped by the way he or she pictures God. The Situation: Children ask, “What is God really like?” Schools, friends, television, and other sources expose children to a variety of ideas. Much of what kids hear about “god” does not …

7 keys to help children develop self discipline.

Helping Children Develop Self Discipline by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN Practical idea: Share this timely article with your children’s ministry volunteers and parents. One of the primary tasks of early childhood is to develop self discipline. Parents often find themselves correcting their children for interrupting, being wild, not following instructions or for not controlling their hands or mouths. These all require self …

3 keys for life-changing children’s ministry

The adage, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is true! Similarly, “All play and no work makes Jill a lazy girl.” Some children receive an overdose of sports, TV, school, video games, or even church. Few Christian kids experience the energizing vitality that takes place when their minds, hearts, and bodies are stretched to reach their full potential. Achieving balance is …

Children’s discipleship: Intentional. Relational. Transformational.

Never forget that your efforts in children’s ministry have long-term implications. George Barna concluded, “By the age of nine, most of the moral and spiritual foundations of a child are in place.” Though head knowledge is important, Bible truths are only part of the discipleship process. Information must lead to transformation—new attitudes and actions. To form genuine disciples, churches must make an intentional, integrated, and …

5 Steps to Effective Children’s Ministry

Discipleship is a lifelong process, highly dependent upon God’s grace and the work of the Holy Spirit. We don’t “graduate” from God’s school of discipleship until we reach heaven. Yet, in His sovereignty, God invites us to partner with Him in Christian formation. God compares the process of spiritual birth and growth to the labor pains a mother experiences in the delivery of her baby. …

Children’s Ministry: How to make disciples for life.

Most of us learn sequentially. Take math for example. First, we learned to count. After that we learned addition, subtraction, multiplication and then division. Similarly, childhood Christian education should be sequential. A complete education provides three essential elements: Foundational Truths, Learning Levels, and Growth Dimensions. Foundational Truths: Three Cornerstones of Victorious Living Start at the cross. God’s message, mission, and motive are foundational truths at …

7 Training Tips That Can Transform Your Ministry

Volunteer training is an important part of children’s ministry. Not only does instruction provide your workers with needed skills, but it also shows that you care by helping them realize God’s fullest potential. This helps keep workers motivated and involved. 7 Training Tips 1. Make training a Kingdom investment. Training takes time and resources, but view each session as a long-term investment in building Kingdom …